§ 50.20. Authorization to collect.
It shall be unlawful for any person to collect, transport, or carry garbage, refuse, waste matter, or swill through any street or public place in the Town without a permit from the Health Officer, or such other official as may be designated by the Council, unless such person is an employee or agent of the Town, and is acting within the scope of his/her employment, or has been awarded a contract by the Town as a scavenger, or has been granted a permit to collect swill in the Town.
(1975 Code, § 6-4.06)
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of collecting swill in the Town, or to haul swill through any street or public place of the Town, unless such person is an agent or employee of the Town, or is the regular scavenger with whom the Town has a contract, or has been duly licensed or franchised as provided in this section. The Council may, by resolution, fix the fees to be charged for the business of collecting swill and for transporting swill through the streets, alleys, or public ways of the Town. All such fees shall be paid to the Town Clerk upon the issuance of the license. Applications for such licenses or franchises shall be made to the Health Officer, or to such other official as may be designated by the Council, who shall have the authority to issue such licenses or franchises. The vehicles used for the transportation of swill and the manner in which the swill is handled, collected, and transported shall be approved by the Health Officer, or such other official as may be designated by the Council. Such licenses or franchises may be revoked by the Council, after a notice in writing to the scavenger given by the Town Clerk by registered United States mail at least ten days before the date fixed for a hearing thereon, for failure to collect and transport swill in the manner and with the vehicles approved by the Health Officer or such other official as may be designated by the Council.
(1975 Code, § 6-4.13) (Ord. 1957-28, effective - -57)Penalty, see § 10.99.