§ 54.20. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Annular space. The space between two objects, one of which is surrounded by the other, including the space between an excavation and the wall of a pit or the curbing of a well, or between two casings.
Approved check valve. A check valve that seals readily and completely. It shall be carefully machined to have free moving parts and assured water tightness. The face of the closure element and valve seal shall be bronze, composition, or other noncorrodible material which will seal tightly under all prevailing conditions of field use. Pins and bushings shall be of bronze or other noncorrodible, nonsticking material, machined for easy dependable operation. The closure element (e.g., clapper) shall be internally weighted or otherwise internally equipped to promote rapid and positive closure.
Property line. The surveyed line separating one piece of property from another or separating public rights-of-way from private properties.
Sewage disposal system. A system of septic tank and drainage field and possibly a seepage pit, handling the waste from any structure not served by a community sewerage system.
Sewer. A pipe carrying waste matter from any structure or being a part of any community sewerage system.
Water superintendent. The designated official in charge of a water distribution system serving water to two or more families.
(1975 Code, § 6-7.101) (Ord. 1957-31, effective - -57)