§ 71.73. Limited truck route permit fees.
In the event a permit is granted for the hauling of earth or fill, the permittee shall pay to the Town a fee for the privilege of such permit at the rate of $.01 per cubic yard of earth or fill hauled. The Town Council may change the fee herein by resolution. Such fill shall be weighed or measured by the Town from time to time at the time and place and in the manner specified by the Town Engineer, and the amount due pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be paid by the permittee to the Town at the end of each week of haul, if the hauling shall consume more than one week; otherwise the fee shall be paid at the end of the hauling period. The moneys collected from the payment of such fees shall be deposited in the General Fund of the Town and shall be used primarily for the repair and maintenance of limited truck routes and thereafter for general street repair and maintenance.
(1975 Code, § 4-3.1314) (Ord. 1958-70, effective - -58; Am. Ord. 1973-242, effective - -73; Am. Ord. 1997-486, effective 6-26-97)