§ 112.01. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
Distributor. Any person, firm, or corporation who, as owner, agent, employee, or otherwise, shall distribute, place, install, or deliver a mechanical amusement device to any premises in the Town or who shall keep or store within the Town any mechanical amusement device for the purpose of distributing, placing, installing, or delivering such mechanical amusement device.
Mechanical amusement device. Any machine, device, contrivance, or apparatus the operation or use of which is permitted, controlled, allowed, or made possible by the deposit or placing of any coin, plate, disk, slug, or key into any slot, receptacle, crevice, or other opening, or by the payment of any, fee for its use as a game or contest of any description, or which may be used for any such game or contest and the use or possession of which is not prohibited by any law of the state.
Operator. Any person, firm, or corporation who, as owner, lessee, agent, employee, or otherwise, shall operate, install, keep, maintain, or permit, or allow to be operated, installed, or maintained, any mechanical amusement device in or upon any premises owned, leased, managed, operated, or controlled by such person, firm, or corporation within the Town.
(1975 Code, § 5-2.01) (Ord. 1957-22, effective - -57)