§ 153.411. Purpose.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of this subchapter are:


    To preserve and enhance the scenic quality and resources of the Town's hillside areas;


    To provide for high quality site development and promote imaginative design solutions for all future hillside developments by requiring the maximum retention of natural features such as drainage swales, streams, slopes, ridgelines, rock outcrops, vistas, trees and plant communities;


    To restrict the overall density and intensity of development in hillside areas, recognizing that as the overall slope of a hillside increases, the density of development should correspondingly decrease in order to provide for the maximum in public safety and enjoyment;


    To provide a safe means of ingress and egress for vehicular circulation to and within hillside areas while at the same time minimizing the scarring effects of hillside road and driveway construction;


    To prevent unnecessary grading and the scarring of hillside areas and building sites ;


    To reduce the potential for hillside erosion; and


    To limit the location of buildings, paved areas, circulation facilities, and septic tank drainfields to areas which are safe and consistent with the purposes set forth in this section.

(1975 Code, § 9-2.501) (Ord. 1980-291, effective 9-11-80; Am. Ord. 1999-494, effective 3-25-99; Am. Ord. 2017-589, effective 8-24-17)