§ 153.912. Required review.  

Latest version.
  • (A)



    SCENIC CORRIDORS. Scenic corridors in Woodside include:


    Lands visible (if currently visible, or if visible if existing vegetation was removed) from the driving surface of the following state-designated scenic highways:

    Skyline Boulevard (Hwy. 35); and,

    Interstate 280.


    Lands visible (if currently visible, or if visible if existing vegetation was removed) from the driving surface of the following locally-designated scenic roads :

    Kings Mountain Road;

    Mountain Home Road;

    Woodside Road (Hwy. 84);

    Whiskey Hill Road;

    La Honda Road;

    Portola Road;

    Cañada Road; and,

    Sand Hill Road.


    WESTERN HILLS. All lands west of Kings Mountain Road, Woodside Road (Highway 84), and Portola Road.


    All buildings located on ridge lines visible from the scenic highways and roads set forth in this section.


    No building or other permit shall be issued by the Town for buildings , structures , or uses until approval from the required reviewing bodies is obtained in accordance with Sections 153.911 and 153.915(C) pursuant to the table below.


    When a project includes multiple components and levels of review, the highest review required shall be the final decision-making body for the project.


    Project size and scope shall be considered cumulatively for architectural and site review when building permits are open, except for accessory dwelling units .


    The square footage of proposed accessory dwelling units shall not be included in the square footage review threshold in the table below.

    TABLE Q: Required Reviewing Bodies
    Site Review Administrator
    Architectural and
    Site Review Board
    Within scenic corridors and Western Hills:
     Less than or equal to 300 square feet, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
     More than 300 square feet and less than or equal to 1,000 square feet, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
     More than 300 square feet and less than or equal to 1,000 square feet, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     Greater than 1,000 square feet, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X
     Greater than 1,000 square feet, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X X
     All building locations located on ridge lines visible from the highways and roads set forth in division (A) above of this section, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X
     All building locations located on ridge lines visible from the highways and roads set forth in division (A) above of this section, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X X
    Outside of scenic corridors and Western Hills:
     Less than 2,000 square feet and less than 30% maximum TFA, and consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
     Less than 2,000 square feet and less than 30% maximum TFA, and consistent with the Residential Design Guidelines, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     Greater than 2,000 square feet or greater than 30% maximum TFA, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X
     Greater than 2,000 square feet or greater than 30% maximum TFA, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X X
    Accessory dwelling unit , if no Planning Commission entitlement is required (§ 153.107) X
    Accessory dwelling unit , if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     All single-family residences and manufactured housing ( mobile homes ) within the OS District, but limited to:
     (a) Roof overhangs;
     (b) Roofing materials; and
     (c) Siding materials, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required. In reviewing structures within the OS District, the prevailing architectural character of the surrounding community shall be considered
    X X X
     All single-family residences and manufactured housing ( mobile homes ) within the OS District, but limited to:
     (a) Roof overhangs;
     (b) Roofing materials; and
     (c) Siding materials, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required. In reviewing structures within the OS District, the prevailing architectural character of the surrounding community shall be considered
    X X X X
     All building locations within proposed subdivisions , pursuant to Chapter 152, Subdivisions X X X
    Gates and entry features 153.212), if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
    Gates and entry features 153.212), if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
    Fences , not exempted by § 153.212, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
    Fences , not exempted by § 153.212, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     Outdoor Lighting, pursuant to § 153.213(E), if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
     Outdoor Lighting, pursuant to § 153.213(E), if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     Any project in the CC District, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X
     Any project in the CC District, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X X X
     All public and semipublic buildings , including churches in all areas of the Town X X X
    Signs in the CC District, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required
    Note: Does not apply to signs permitted as specified in WMC §§ 153.502 and 153.503
    Signs in the CC District, if a Planning Commission entitlement is required
    Note: Does not apply to signs permitted as specified in WMC §§ 153.502 and 153.503
    X X
    Signs advertising permitted nonconforming uses in the residential districts, pursuant to WMC § 153.502(C), if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
    Signs advertising permitted nonconforming uses in the residential districts, pursuant to WMC § 153.502(C), if a Planning Commission entitlement is required X X
     Delegation of Authority: All other areas, uses , and structures upon referral by the Council, Planning Commission , or Planning Director when, in their judgment, the project may have a significant effect upon the aesthetic or functional character of the Town or surrounding properties. The level of review shall be determined by the referring body. X X X X X
     MFRD alterations /improvements deemed to be minor by the Planning Director and not visible from a scenic corridor in the Cañada College Residential Overlay Zone, if no Planning Commission entitlement is required X
     All MFRD development, other than alterations /improvements deemed to be minor by the Planning Director and not visible from a scenic corridor in the Cañada College Residential Overlay Zone X X X X
     Any professional stable application that includes the construction of new structures , pursuant to § 115.17(B)(13) X X X
     Projects not exempt from CEQA (Architectural and Site Review Administrator or ASRB review shall be determined based on scope of project) X


(1975 Code, § 9-2.902) (Ord. 1980-291, effective 9-11-80; Am. Ord. 1999-494, effective 3-25-99; Am. Ord. 2012-554, effective 8-23-12; Am. Ord. 2015-565, effective 2-26-15; Am. Ord. 2015-569, effective 1-7-16; Am. Ord. 2017-585, effective 4-27-17; Am. Ord. 2017-589, effective 8-24-17; Am. Ord. 2017-591, effective 12-14-17; Am. Ord. 2018-596 , § 2(Exh. A, § II), effective 10-26-18)