§ 153.913. Design review.
Conceptual Design Review. For the purpose of securing the early evaluation by the Architectural and Site Review Board prior to making applications for formal action or permit issuance, an application shall be made for a Conceptual Design Review. Most projects requiring Architectural and Site Review Board and/or Planning Commission review require Conceptual Design Review. Plans or drawings submitted for Conceptual Design Review shall be sufficiently definitive to adequately describe the proposed architectural character and concept. The submittals should include conceptual information, such as a site plan including the existing and proposed grades, building outlines, adjacent property improvements, exterior elevations, circulation, parking, and major landscaping features. Additionally, during Conceptual Design Review, the Architectural and Site Review Board may recommend that the Planning Director or Planning Commission complete Formal Design Review approval, with recommended Conditions of Approval, for any project that the Board deems to be in significant compliance with the review criteria contained in Woodside Municipal Code Section 153.911. The Architectural and Site Review Board shall not refer a project from Conceptual Review to staff without story poles being erected unless the project is exempt from Formal Review pursuant to Section 153.912(B).
Formal Design Review. After Conceptual Design Review approval, an application shall be made for Formal Design Review by the Architectural and Site Review Board, and the Planning Commission , if required.
Architectural and Site Review Administrator Review. All projects requiring Architectural and Site Review Administrator review shall follow the submittal requirements on file with Planning Department.
Staff Review. All projects requiring design review by staff, only, shall follow the submittal requirements on file with Planning Department.
(1975 Code, § 9-2.906) (Ord. 1980-291, effective 9-11-80; Am. Ord. 1981-300, effective 10-8-81; Am. Ord. 1999-494, effective 3-25-99; Am. Ord. 2012-554, effective 8-23-12; Am. Ord. 2015-569, effective 1-7-16; Am. Ord. 2017-589, effective 8-24-17; Am. Ord. 2018-596 , § 2(Exh. A, § II), effective 10-26-18)